How often have you opened a newspaper, or logged into your favourite news website, and seen story after story about the real estate market?
Probably often.
There’s no doubt about it. The real estate scene has been getting a lot of coverage lately, and it can all seem confusing — even baffling.
However, there is good news.
Most news outlets report on national news. But, it’s the LOCAL real estate scene that impacts you the most. And, this local market is much easier to understand and predict.
Say, for example, you’re thinking of moving. If you give me a call, I can give you a good idea of what your property will sell for on today’s market fairly quickly. In addition, if you’re targeting a neighbourhood you’d like to get into, I can let you know what properties are selling for in that area and the current opportunities available.
So, if you ever have questions about the local market, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

There’s no doubt about it. The real estate scene has been getting a lot of coverage lately, and it can all seem confusing — even baffling.
However, there is good news.
Most news outlets report on national news. But, it’s the LOCAL real estate scene that impacts you the most. And, this local market is much easier to understand and predict.
Say, for example, you’re thinking of moving. If you give me a call, I can give you a good idea of what your property will sell for on today’s market fairly quickly. In addition, if you’re targeting a neighbourhood you’d like to get into, I can let you know what properties are selling for in that area and the current opportunities available.
So, if you ever have questions about the local market, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Places Buyers Look When Viewing your Home

You might be surprised to know which spaces in a home most buyers look at when viewing a property. If you’re preparing your home for sale, make sure to consider the following places that are likely to be checked out:
Inside closets. Buyers want to get a sense of the size and capacity of all your closets. Make sure they’re clean and well organized. Avoid the “overstuffed” look.Basement. Do you think buyers will stick to the main room of your basement? Think again. Some interested buyers will also check out the furnace room, cold room, electrical box, and even crawl spaces.
Under the sinks. Buyers will definitely look under the kitchen sink. You can expect some buyers to open the doors of bathroom vanities as well. Make sure trash bins are empty and everything looks neat and clean.
Windows. Buyers often look out windows to assess views. You can’t change what they see, but you can ensure the window itself is clean.
Sides of the property. When it comes to outdoor space, the backyard has the biggest impact. So, do whatever you can to make it look its best. However, don’t neglect your side yard. Unsightly garbage bins, weeds, tree clippings, debris, etc. can quickly dampen a buyer’s initial enthusiasm for your property.

Determining the Future of a Neighbourhood

Imagine you have a crystal ball that enables you to see what a neighbourhood will be like in five years. Wouldn’t that be handy? You’d be able to get a glimpse of the area’s future before deciding to move there.
Unfortunately, that crystal ball hasn’t been invented yet. But, you can still predict the future of a neighbourhood with a fairly high degree of accuracy.One way is to simply take a look around. Explore the neighbourhood. Get a sense of where the area is headed. Is there any new construction nearby? A new park? A new shopping mall? Any new activity can impact the character of the neighbourhood. New home construction nearby could mean more traffic, but that might be offset by improved infrastructure, such as a road expansion.
Another way to see a neighbourhood’s future is to access the myriad of data available. There are usually crime statistics, demographics, and other information available for you to review.
One of the best ways to find out where a neighbourhood is going is to talk to the neighbours. That’s not always easy, but you may be able to strike up a conversation as you’re walking the area. Get their impression of neighbourhood trends. You can ask, for example, “Is the area getting more or less noisy?” or, “What kinds of people have been buying into this neighbourhood recently?”

Consider using mirrors to make the bedroom seem larger and more comfortable.
Put a new comforter on the bed.
Update the wattage or add a lamp if the lighting is dim. (Make sure lights are turned on during a viewing.)
Be ruthless when removing clutter from the room, particularly the closet. Don’t have anything stored under the bed.
Remove personal items, such as portraits.
Be a minimalist when it comes to the nightstand. Only have two or three accessories on it and make sure they complement the theme, such as a book, vase, candleholder, etc. (Don’t have anything on dressers.)
If possible, paint. Experts say a neutral palette works best.
Ideally, you want to make the bedroom look like a calm and welcoming retreat.
Another way to see a neighbourhood’s future is to access the myriad of data available. There are usually crime statistics, demographics, and other information available for you to review.
One of the best ways to find out where a neighbourhood is going is to talk to the neighbours. That’s not always easy, but you may be able to strike up a conversation as you’re walking the area. Get their impression of neighbourhood trends. You can ask, for example, “Is the area getting more or less noisy?” or, “What kinds of people have been buying into this neighbourhood recently?”
Seven Master Bedroom Staging Ideas

As you may know, staging involves setting up the furniture, art and accessories of each room so that, overall, your home looks as appealing as possible to buyers. It’s similar to what furniture stores do when they create displays of model bedrooms, kitchens, etc.
When you’re staging your home, the master bedroom is particularly important. Here are some simple staging tips worth trying:Consider using mirrors to make the bedroom seem larger and more comfortable.
Put a new comforter on the bed.
Update the wattage or add a lamp if the lighting is dim. (Make sure lights are turned on during a viewing.)
Be ruthless when removing clutter from the room, particularly the closet. Don’t have anything stored under the bed.
Remove personal items, such as portraits.
Be a minimalist when it comes to the nightstand. Only have two or three accessories on it and make sure they complement the theme, such as a book, vase, candleholder, etc. (Don’t have anything on dressers.)
If possible, paint. Experts say a neutral palette works best.
Ideally, you want to make the bedroom look like a calm and welcoming retreat.